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Susan E. Atkins Education Fund

For nearly 30 years, CMCArts has been inspiring and celebrating the rich cultural heritage of the Caribbean. As educators, stewards, and custodians - we are preserving our past and promoting our voice.

ART IS Education, and Susan Atkins, Vice President of CMCArts, has been a champion of creative learning for decades. Her tireless advocacy and passion for the arts as it relates to education and community has advanced our work for the betterment of St. Croix's residents.

Will you join us in inspiring, motivating and encouraging prosperus, creative, and successful community citizens?

Contribute via Paypal or by check today:

Make checks payable to:

CMCArts, Inc.

PO Box 734

Frederiksted, VI 00841

Memo: Susan E. Atkins Education Fund

Donate with a debit or credit card

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Susan Atkins has served on numerous boards and organizations including Chair of the Fun-raising committee of the Women's Coalition of St. Croix, Library Commissioner in San Diego, Chair of the Diversionary Theater Board and the National Victory Fund, to name a few. Susan has had a 40-year career in Communications and is a patron of the arts and an aficionado of the theater.

CMCArts is a registered US 501(c)(3) #66-0529152; see our IRS exemption letter here:

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