The Candia Atwater-Shields Scholarship Fund
This scholarship fund celebrates and honor the founder of CMCArts, Candia Atwater-Shields, annually on her birthday, May 4th. In the funds inaugural year, the scholarship fund will support admission for several teens to attend the CMCArts' 2024 Film Over Gun Violence summer film program that aims to bring awareness to gun violence prevention in our community while teaching alternative methods of positive expression.
Each year, CMCArts will broaden the student art scholarship program to support education for artists and learning for humanities based jobs in the arts with the inspired hope that students return home to share their knowledge and contribute to the arts economic sector of the Virgin Islands.
Contribute via Paypal or by check today:
Make checks payable to:
CMCArts, Inc.
PO Box 734
Frederiksted, VI 00841
Memo: Candia Atwater Scholarship Fund
Donate with a debit or credit card

CMCArts is a registered US 501(c)(3) #66-0529152; see our IRS exemption letter here: